Look into the local community from the 1970s

Community News

NEW! This archive consists of local community newsletters. They provide an important look into what the community was thinking and doing during the 1970 ‘S and on. These newsletters were the work of local individuals who dedicated their time to informing and communicating with their neighbors.

If an issue is indexed, we have a copy in our physical archives. If the entry indicates it is “not scanned” the entry will not be available on line until we can scan them. Many of these newsletters in our possession are missing certain issues which are consequently not listed on the index. If you have a copy of a missing issue and would like to allow us to scan it, please email the Yankee Hill Historical Society via our contact tab on the website.

We wish to thank Patty Dummel and Treva Mauch for creating these indexes.

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(Papers below Not Scanned)